HTML is the lingua france for publishing hypertext on the World Wide Web. It is a non proprietary format based upon SGML, and can be created and processed by a wide range of tools, from simple plain text editors - you type it in from scratch - to sophisticated WYSIWYG authoring tools.

  •  It is the base code for web pages.
  • It creates a visual presentation that is displayed by a web browser.
The commands in HTML coding (known as Tags) are enclosed in angel brackets < >. THe tags normally come as a set. One to open a command, and one to close it. Everything between the two tags will be affected by them. The closing tag uses a forward slash ( / ) in it.

                        < TAG NAME >                                   </TAG NAME >

Tags are made up of elements, properties, and values. The command letters or words are called elements. Some ellements have declared settings called properties. These properties help describe or shape the way the element will work of function. The property settings are known as values. Some tags can have many properties, others have none.

                   <ELEMENT PROPERTY="VALUE">
           <title> Welcome page </title>

            Welcome to My Web Page

HEAD An introduction to the web page. In this area, some of the settings for the web page are introduced such as the TITLE, and information for search engines.

TITLE The title for the web page. This name will appear in the title bar at the top of the browser window. It is also used as the file name if someone 'bookmarks' your page or saves it. Typically, the TITLE should be a descriptive statement up to 200 characters.

 BODY Main program section for web page. This is where it all happenes.

<html> tag - Language Attributes